President's Message



Dear colleagues, friends, and all notaries of the European Latin Notary.


The past year has shown us that together, through collaboration and the power of our shared knowledge, we can take important steps to strengthen our profession, promote our values, and lay a solid foundation for the future.

In 2025, we will continue to build a European network that not only offers opportunities, but also protection and support for all those working in the notary profession.

We will strengthen our collective voice in a constantly evolving legal world, where innovation and professionalism go hand in hand.

In this new year, let us look to the future with hope.

Hope for further growth and development;

Hope for new collaborations and a sustainable future in which our association can  play a central role in legal services in Europe, as well as in social protection and services to all notarial employees of the Latin notariat in Europe.

Together, we can face tomorrow's challenges with confidence.

I would like to thank all my fellow administrators for their efforts and involvement and look forward to working with them for a successful and inspiring year.


Warm regards,

Ludwig Rasschaert.









CPNUE unites associations of notary-employees in the 22 countries within the European Union, exercising Latin Notary.


CPNUE cooperates with CNUE to defend the Latin Notary.


CPNUE defends the welfare of all 200.000 families in Europe, depending on Latin Notary (±40.000 notaries and  ±160.000 employees).





Our purpose


in all countries connected to the international association of the Latin notary

  • CPNUE wants To promote and do recognize the personnel of the notary offices; 
  • CPNUE is studying, defending and developing the professional, moral and material interests of its members.  
  • CPNUE is transferring common decisions and wishes of its members to the European authorities, institutions and employers' associations. 
  • CPNUE is promoting social and professional ties between its members and the harmonization of their views. 
  • CPNUE is collecting, treating and transmitting all information on an international level regarding to the personnel of the notary offices. 
  • CPNUE wants to coordinate various forms of training for all professional categories in the notary, and organize congress days and training seminars, for the purpose of improving knowledge of European law and notarial law. 
  • CPNUE is, in service of, and or in collaboration with its members: performing all kinds of studies and research, for the purpose of the improvement and preferential treatment of the working conditions within the European area, and insuring and defending the interests of its members and developing and expanding its cooperation.
  • CPNUE is also competent, on behalf of its members, legally to create and sign all European collective agreements relating to their professional and social interests: statute, employee labour contracts, pension, social fund… this list is indicative and not restrictive, and insofar as these agreements are not subject to the  competence of the national professional organizations
  • CPNUE may appeal to groups of her choice which may provide their assistance to increase its chances of success; while they themselves coordinate the activities.