About us




La Confédération du Personnel des Notariats de l’Union Européenne

(The Confederation of Personnel of the Notariats of the European Union)


Founded on 09. April 2011

CPNUE has taken the form of an VZW / ASBL (Vereniging zonder Winstoogmerk - Association sans but lucratif - non-profit organisation) under Belgian law


Founding members were, the unions of : Belgium, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, and Spain


Registered Office: Brussels (B)

Administrative Seat: B-5550 Mouzaive (Vresse-sur-Semois), Rue de la Carrière 70


Current full members are, the unions of:

Belgium:         Koninklijke Nationale Beroepsvereniging Van Het Personeel Van Notariskantoren

France:            La Fédération Générale des Clercs et Employés de Notaire

Italy:                 Associazione Nazionale Dipendenti Studi Notarili Italiani ITALIANI «UNIC@»


Spain:              FEAPEN - Asociación Estatal de Empleados de Notarías


Associate members are

Employees from Greece.


Current Executive Board

President & Ass. Secretary Mr. Ludwig RASSCHAERT (B)

Ms. GARCIA-BERBEL MOLINA Maria del Carmen (E)

General Secretary: Mr.Gabriele ROSSETTI (I)
Treasurer: Mr. Philippe AUZOU (F)
Assistant Treasurer Ms. Françoise BODSON (B)


The CPNUE is supervised by a President, the CPNUE's spokesperson, who has tenure for two years. He/She is assisted by his/her vice-president.


The CPNUE represents all employees of the notariats of all EU Member States familiar with Latin civil law, in particular: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.


As the right-hand of notaries, notary employees have developed into high qualified specialists, indispensable for the correct execution of all the notary’s responsibilities. They are professionals at the service of all citizens, guaranteeing the very highest legal certainty.


Mean goal of CPNUE is to co-operate with CNUE and the European institutions to defend the Latin Notary system, because we believe in the notary’s important role as a guardian of legality.